neděle 15. prosince 2013


Around 1585, by  Diego Muñoz Camargo.

FANTASTIC IMAGE OF PRESIDENTS OF PERU (during times of alteration between civil regimes and military dictatorships: 1908-1980)

General Leguía (1908-12, 1919-1930)

 POLITICAL CRISIS (1930-31 - 5 presidents, between them General Sánchez, stabilization comes after the end of WWII).

José Luis Bustamante (1945-48)

General Odría (48-56)

Manuel Prado (56-62)

Terry (63-68)

General Velazco Alvarado (68-75)¨


General Bermúdez (78-80)

pátek 13. prosince 2013


Uruguayan paintor Rafael Barradas (1890-1929) created special type of latin-american avantgarde VIBRATIONISM.

neděle 8. září 2013

sobota 29. června 2013


Thanks to the US victory - the american eagel becomes superpowerful ...

... and the fingers of Uncle Sam reach all the remaining spanish colonies: Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico and Cuba. 

(Finally, in 1902 Cuba becomes /kind of/ independent.) 

sobota 15. června 2013


Brazilian "banditos" from region Sero, active from 1930s till 20th century, famous for their atacks on land owners and heroism.

Cangaceiro style 
The cangaceiros had very specific notions of how to behave and dress. First of all, most of them knew how to sew quite well. Living in the desert lands of the northeast of Brazil, they had to survive amidst spiky dry bushes. Despite the heat during the day, the cangaceiros preferred to wear leather clothing, embellished with all kinds of coloured ribbons and metal pieces.
They also used leather gloves with coins and other pieces of metal sewn onto them, almost like armour.
Because of the heat and the absence of water some cangaceiros -–especially Lampião-– wore French perfume. They often stole it from rich people's houses, and used it in large quantities.
(from english wikipedia)

neděle 9. června 2013